Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Introduction. The Pateman Vincent Statement From 2010

Introduction The Pateman Vincent statement from 2010 suggests that the library profession is either oblivious to, or choosing to ignore the plight of those most in need in society. Seven years on, there is no halt in the growing gap between rich and poor and public libraries are still justifying their existence, in a climate of declining funding for services. Changes to the UK welfare system have accelerated, with a drive for government services to be ‘digital by default’ (Rust, 2014). Public libraries and their staff are amongst the best placed in society to provide not only access to technology but the support required for customers to use it to navigate the complicated benefits system and other services which are now only available†¦show more content†¦As times have changed and technology has advanced, the wealth of information has increased and focus has shifted from traditional literacy to improving the digital and information literacy of the most vulnerable in society . Chowdhury, Burton, McMenemy and Poulter (2008) assert that libraries view tackling digital inclusion as their principal contribution to addressing social inclusion. It is important to review the role CILIP (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) is playing in promoting social justice. The nationally acclaimed ‘Libraries Change Lives Award’ is an excellent example of the varied projects having significant impact on local communities. Recent winners have included a digital education initiative for children and parents, a project centred on domestic violence and a partnership programme with prisons. CILIP (2017). Initiatives such as this, which celebrate the contribution libraries make to society, is an inspiration for all who work in public libraries and demonstrates the direction the profession should be travelling in. Also, at a professional level it is worth noting that this year s conference for two of CILIP’s special interest groups (Public Mobile Libraries, Community, Equality Diversity) is titled, ‘Public Libraries for Social, Digital and Economic Inclusion’. This event in October ‘explores future direction and best practice for inclusion’ and highlights how relevant issues surrounding social inclusion are for

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